Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Elizabeth Smart is Engaged | www.bricksandstonesgossip.com

Chris Thomas, a rep for Elizabeth, says he can't confirm the wedding date or the name of Smart's fiancé, but says, "I know they're looking at a summer wedding. They're still in the process of planning the wedding, and there are a lot of details to ... more

Elizabeth Smart Engaged: Twitter Doesn't Care. | WebProNews

Remember Elizabeth Smart? She's getting married. When news like this breaks, you can expect it to be all over Twitter. The country is clamoring for news. more

Elizabeth Smart engaged, will wed in July | The Salt Lake Tribune

Break out the Martinelli's. Elizabeth Smart, whose kidnapping and survival story has captivated the state and nation, is engaged to be married. And the nuptials of Utah's semi-celebrity are likely to be the sparkling cider toast â€" and talk â€" of ... more

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